Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Soy Pillars English Garden Fragrance

English Garden soy pillar order was just completed.  The following video shows the candles that were produced and shipped by Tranquility Soy Candles.

Here is the YouTube video link:

The YouTube channel is

The playlist that has more soy pillar videos:

Our English Garden fragrance is a wonderful scent throw.


English Garden Soy Pillars Video

Here is a video about our English Garden Soy Pillars.  The pillars in this video are an assortment of all our pillar sizes which are 3X3, 3X6, and 3X9.

English Garden is a beautiful fragrance.

Here is the video: . Here is the link to this video -

This is the playlist link for more of our soy pillars:

Sunday, January 10, 2016

8 Oz Travel Tin Chanel No. 5 Soy Candles

See below the video we posted on our  8 Oz Travel Tin Chanel No. 5 Soy Candles.  This is a wonderful scent and our candle smells like the real Chanel No. 5 perfume.  It is really authentic!!
The video description can be seen at this link: .

Our 8 oz travel tins burn for about 33 -35 hours.  This size tin is one of our most popular candles.

Check out more videos on our YouTube channel: